一 指针
1 单指针
1.1 声明指针
typrName * pointerName;
1.2 指针赋值
double * pn; // pn can point to a double value
double * pa; //
char * pc; // pc can point to a char value
double bubble=3.2;
pn = &bubble; // assign address of bubble to pn
pc = new char; // assign address of newly allocated char memory to pc
pa = new double[30]; //assign address of 1st element of array of 30 double to pa
1.3 指针解引用
cout << *pn; // print the value of bubble
*pc = 'S'; // place 'S' into the memory location whose address is pc
1.4 区分指针和指针所指向的值
int * pt = new int; // assigns an address to the pointer pt
*pt = 5; // stores the value 5 at that address
1.5 数组名
int tacos[10]; // now tacos is the same as &tacos[0]
1.6 指针算术
int tacos[10] = {5,2,8,4,1,2,2,4,6,8};
int *pt = tacos; // suppose of and tacos are the address 3000
pt = pt + 1 ; // now pt is 3004 if a int is 4 bytes
int *pe = & tacos[9]; //pe is 3036 if an int is 4 bytes
pe = pe - 1; // now pe is 3032, the address of tacos[8]
int diff = pe - pt; // diff is 7, the separation between tacos[8] and tacos[1]
1.7 数组的动态联编和静态联编
int tacos[10]; // static binding, size fixed at compile time
使用new[ ]运算符创建数组时,将采用动态联编(动态数组),即将在运行时为数组分配空间,其长度也将在运行时设置。使用完这种数组后,应使用delete [ ]释放其占用的内存:
int size;
cin >> size;
int * pz = new int[size]; // dynamic binding, size set at run time
delete [] pz; // free memory when finished
1.8 数组表示法和指针表示法
tacos[0] // means *tacos means the value at address tacos
tacos[3] // means *(tacos +3) means the value at address tacos + 3
int *pt = new int[10]; // pt points to block of 10 ints
*pt = 5; // set element number 0 to 5
pt[0] = 6;
pt[9] = 44;
int tacos[10];
*(tacos + 4) 12; // set tacos[4] to 12;